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Clean, safe water that meets the drinking water standards specified by the Waterworks Law is always supplied to 98.0% (approximately 142 million people) of the population in Japan. However, water utilities have suffered from demand decrease as well as aging facilities and personnel, as the population has been aging and decreasing. The Waterworks Law was revised in 2018 to incorporate measures to strengthen the basis of the water utilities including the public-private cooperation through PFI.
On the other hand, the United Nations set the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, including SDG 6 of safe water and toilet all over the world. This led to an increase in percentage of people who have access to safe drinking water from 61 to 71 % from 2000 to 2017 but 2200 million still have no access to safe water.
In addition, so many people live without toilet or other sanitation and hygiene facilities.
Hand washing is simple but the most effective against COVID-19 pandemic but only 60 % of the households had basic face washing tools and facilities in 2017. The significance of the problem greatly differs from area to area: 75 % of the population in Sub-Sahara Africa do not use basic face-washing facilities. In 2016, 25% of the medical institutions in the world had no water supply facilities, and 20 % of them had no hygiene facilities.
In this situation it is necessary to supply safe water and enhance public hygiene. For this purpose, to select safe water sources, maintain enough water pressure to prevent the entry of polluted water from outside and residual chlorine to disinfect pipes are most urgent. However, that has not been practiced well in developing countries. We have seen so many waterworks that were constructed by the aids of developed countries but have not worked well because of the poor operation and maintenance.
We will propose how to operate, maintain and improve the facilities, taking sufficient consideration of local conditions etc.
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